The American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board (ANMAB), formerly ANMCAB, was founded in 1978, and incorporated in Washington, D.C. The Accreditation Board is celebrating 45 years! It is rich in history as a prestigious organization that has recognized and met the need to promote and regulate naturopathic traditional and non-traditional education over a period of forty-five years. Through the process of review, ANMAB adopted criteria and procedures for evaluating institutions and programs. This system of review has worked for determining the qualities of sound educational programs, and ethical business practices, in all areas of natural health care. The organization’s Committee on Accreditation oversees all evaluations conducted by the investigative team and grants final approval.
Please see our Accredited Programs Page for a complete list of Accredited Schools
• To foster excellence in education through the development of Standards for assessing educational effectiveness in natural health care,
• To elevate the concept of innovative educational methods on a worldwide basis by promoting understanding of, and involvement in, innovative educational alternatives,
• To oversee the educational effectiveness of naturopathic learning institutions worldwide, by setting and maintaining high academic Standards for correspondent and off-campus educational programs,
• To ascertain instructional quality within member institutions,
• To implement and maintain a system of self evaluation for adherence to Standards for all member institutions,
• To assure all interested parties that an institution has clearly defined, appropriate and attainable objectives,
• To assist and enforce in the accomplishment of each member institution objectives,
• To act as a resource for proper program planning assistance,
• To set admissions Standards commensurate with public expectations and needs,
• To answer student questions and address complaints regarding member institutions,
• To foster an attitude of cooperation and involvement in worldwide education, and therefore to serve as an idea forum for member institutions, the public, and governing agencies,
• To ensure truth in advertising and accurate presentation of each member institution's educational capabilities, and resources.
Accreditation for Naturopathic programs in the United States is an entirely "voluntary" process. Accreditation for an institution of learning represents a "validation" that the school programs have been thoroughly investigated and found worthy of recognition. This investigation is conducted by a qualified group of people familiar with the programs offered. Students and institutions of learning have come to rely on decisions from ANMAB as a reliable source for determining quality in education.
There are two main types of schooling accredited by ANMAB available to the prospective student.
Traditional schools include those learning institutions requiring one to be present in a classroom setting at some point in the learning process. Supporters believe the structural interaction between students encourages a better learning experience.
Non-Traditional schools include those learning institutions that offer courses or programs online, often called correspondence, online learning, or distant learning programs. Supporters of Non- traditional schools point to convenience in busy schedules, and the financial advantages of taking such programs. These graduates also believe it takes a more dedicated, determined student to complete such programs.
Both programs have their advantages and disadvantages. Recently both have offered programs "online". Online programs have solved certain credibility issues for those earning degrees outside of the resident programs.
Board Certification is a voluntary process that adds a national level of recognition and shows that a standard of competency as a natural health care provider has been achieved. Graduates of American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board Accredited Schools are eligible to apply for Board Certification with American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board.
The American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board
The American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) invites you to become Board Certified. ANMCB is a non-profit worldwide organization registered in Washington, DC, that administers certification for natural health care professionals. The mission of the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board has been, first and foremost, protection of the health and welfare of the public.
ANMCB Certification has proven through the setting of standards over the years, to be the most beneficial tool for recognizing competencies in the Natural Health Care profession. The ANMCB successfully set levels of achievement in the natural health care profession. You will be granted a Board Certification title that reflects your education degree. Those who have attained the ANMCB certification have the personal satisfaction of knowing they have reached a recognized and accepted national level of competency. These benefits include recognition by businesses, professional associates, peers, and the public. For more information ANMCB invites you to visit our website at www.anmcb.org.